Monday, October 25, 2010

Well, Lookie Here.

Yesterday was my birthday. And apparently the folks at the BCS love me, because this is what I got for my birthday.

How 'bout THAT?!

Now I know it might not last. Especially since the top ranked team has LOST for the past 3 weekends, and since we have 3 SEC games left to play (including hiss!). But right now, I'm gonna ENJOY EVERY MINUTE OF IT.



LisaShaw said...

Aww, Happy Birthday Sis!!!


Patty said...

I couldn't agree more! Auburn deserves to be number 1!!!! Happy Birthday! War Eagle. ;)

Leah Adams said...

Happy late birthday, Robin. Have a wonderful day!

~ashley said...

Hey, my birthday is in 2 months & 1 day & the BCS can give me this for my birthday too. Kill 2 birds with one stone! :) I hope you had a great birthday!!!

Cheryl said...

Even though I'm a UGA Dawg and will be forever, I'm so excited that Auburn is #1. They so deserve it! I have enjoyed watching their games and I <3 Cam!!!

I knew you'd be beyond thrilled when they took over #1.
btw, Happy Birthday!

Rhonda said...

Happy Belated Birthday! So proud of you for the weight loss. Hubs too, the stinker! My hubs just started some new meds, which one side effect is weight loss. Only to him would that happen! Have a great day:)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday and WARRRR EAGLE, HEY!!