Saturday, November 15, 2008

More Tomorrow, but Here's a Teaser....

Here's where I was last night.

I have no words for how awesome it was.

So I'll be working on that and will get back atcha tomorrow.

"...Here's you one chance Fancy don't let me down....."

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

More Random

This post isn't going to be very cohesive. It's pretty random. But hey, welcome to me.

1. These are Mary Emma's spelling words for this week....
hoping, pulp, goodbye, abbreviation, revolution, pronounce, abandon, progress, medicine, aardvark
Um, she's 7.
We'll be spending a significant amount of time on those puppies this week. Prayers are appreciated.

2. The Halloween Candy bowl is ridiculously so tempting that I think I'm gonna dump it out in the trash can today. The will power and discipline flies right out the window when it's faced with mini Snickers and pumpkin-shaped Reeses Cups. I'm not supergirl.

3. I get to go see Reba and Kelly Clarkson in concert Friday night. It'll be the 2nd time I've seen this show (first time was in Feb in Tupelo). I am so excited and have been waiting for Friday night for a LOOOONG time. I have 8th row tickets (Holla!) and my friend Annie is going with me. It's gonna be a fun evening.

4. I have not posted at all on the Presidential election candidates or results. I'm not well-versed in politics (actually, I hate them). However, after the election results were finalized and out new President-elect was named, I was sad, worried, frustrated, and nervous about the path that our country was about to follow. Still am. Then I read this. I'm still worried about the future of our country, but I realize that I have a job to do. The leader that I wanted to win didn't. So I will pray. I will pray like I have never prayed before. I am praying for the country that my children will inherit. I am praying for policies, security decisions, and ethical mandates that will affect their future. I will also pray for the safety of President-elect Obama, his wife, and his precious girls (the youngest is the same age as my oldest). While I think that racially he is the most American president we have ever had (seriously, his gene pool is a melting pot, just like our country), I realize that there are some radicals who are threatened by an African-American President. So I pray for his safety, his family's safety, and the safety of the Agents who protect them.

5. Is it just my kids who want every single solitary toy that is shown on every single solitary commercial this time of year? Dear goodness. The TV networks are doing a great job of advertising toys! Spencer and I talked to Santa Claus the other day and agreed that Santa is bringing 5 toys per child this Christmas. So the girls are learning whet it means to prioritize their lists. It's hard to narrow down 473 toys on the list to 5.

6. Tait's potty training is going pretty well. She has the tee-tee part in the bag. The other? Not so much. I'm about to lose my mind and pull my hair out. I know I'll get through it, but this is hard.

7. Did I mention that I'm going to see Reba Friday night? And Kelly Clarkson? 8th Row? With Annie? Oh, I did? Sorry. A little excited, here.