Monday, October 13, 2008

Thank You, Interpeeps.

I think I might've mentioned once or 20 times before that I am not very internet savvy.

Let's clarify.

I can google and find anything on the internet. I can shop like a skilled professional on the internet. I can look up directions on how to replace tile or how to bake a ham or how to eat a guava fruit on the internet.

Except not the replacing tile part. I mean I can look it up, but let's be honest, I'm not gonna replace any tile. That's why God invented my Dad.

But stuff like replacing the header on my blog, or, for that matter, anything that requires html code isn't optional for me.

I just don't get it.

I have a dream to learn how to create a button. The other day, BooMama was saying that Shannon created a button for her. While Shannon's button is perfectly lovely, I am a little jealous of her button-making abilities.

Because y'all, I don't got em.

However, I just YESTERDAY learned about something that has changed my life. It's a phenomenon called "Google Reader." You, interpeeps, taught me about it. Apparently, something was going horribly wrong with Bloglines, which caused many of you to blog about switching to Google Reader, and me, being ever curious, had to check it out. (And just so you know, I have no idea what I just typed - I'm doing the ole "act like you know what you're talking about and people will think that you actually KNOW what you're talking about" bit). Oh my. It's awesome. Yes, I was a click click click kinda gal until last night when I sat and smiled at my Google Reader page. I didn't know what else to do but smile at it. If Google Reader were a person, I'd hug it and kiss its face.

I'm also amused by small things, in case you didn't catch that before.

So now that my internet savvy abilities have been taken to a whole new level, I have the confidence I need to learn how to create a button.

Or I'll just smile at Google Reader for a while.


Sarah said...

I'm almost internet savvy, and even made myself a whole new blog template -- it only took an entire afternoon, 6 advil, and finding "Blogger for Dummies", but I did it!! Now, if you ever get that blog button thing goin' on... I am at a total loss!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Google Reader! It totally changed my life.

Well, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but just a bit.

Jules from "The Roost" said...

I am still learning basic stuff. And often time I forget what I learned....;)

Janis said...

I recently discovered google reader myself and am loving it for keeping me up-to-date. (or at least it attempts to keep me up to date...I still hace to check it!) lol

Good luck on the button creation..I figure that's sometime in the future! :)


Mocha with Linda said...

I love my Google Reader. And if you ever figure out the button deal, let me know. I'm in awe of those.

kristen said...

What exactly IS Google Reader? I've heard of it...please explain!:)